• Mother's Day Delivery date 10 - 13 May 2024. From 9am to 5.30pm. WhatsApp us at +60128455001. Thanks!

Cancellation and Refund

Cancellation of order must be made 72 hours in advance before the delivery time. Failing   which, full payment will be forfeited. A refund of 50% of total amount paid will be transferred to your account (any other charges will charge-back to you) if you cancel 72 hours before your delivery date and time.

If you are not satisfied with the substitute items when we reach out to you for changes of your orders, you can request for cancellation. However, we reserve the right to keep 35% of the amount paid for our processing and cancellation. 

We reserve the right to cancel your order if it is not within our delivery location (approximately 15km radius from Miri or Kuching town area). In such rare cases, we will reserve the right to keep 15% of the amount paid for our processing and cancellation.

Kindly take note that we are only able to refund to Malaysia Bank Account / Singapore bank account / Paypal. Any charges will be borne by you. We will not take responsibility should you decide to cancel due to any reasons after purchase. 

We sincerely advise that you decide carefully before making a purchase. Kindly ensure all details and information are correct before purchase. Thank you for your understanding and support!

For any inquiries, kindly send us an email/WhatsApp:


+6012-845 5001

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